Light is one of the most important factors in growing happy, thriving plants. Plants have different lighting needs, and finding their favourite spot allows them to flourish and be less susceptible to pests, diseases, and death. As the sun pattern changes throughout summer, what do you need to do to keep your plants happy? One of the most important factors to check is how much light your plants are getting. With the summer sun increasing in its intensity, places like western windows receiving afternoon direct sun may become too harsh for your plants. Plants kept near windows may also dry out quicker and need watering more often due to warmer days. Symptoms of too much light include curling, wilting, faded,...
Now we’re well into spring, plants are putting on new growth and may need some extra love and attention to keep them looking their best. Pruning off old or damaged leaves allows plants to relocate energy into growing new foliage instead of trying to keep the older, damaged foliage alive.
Below Nick demonstrates how to prune old and damaged foliage on popular house plants Bangalow Palm, Philodendron 'Birkin' and Elephant Ear.
As the weather warms up, plants will start putting on new growth and may need extra space. Repotting is an important component in caring for your plants and allowing them to flourish, and spring is the perfect time to do so! Plants should be repotted every 12 – 18 months depending on the species, excluding slow growing plants like cacti and succulents. Repotting your plants doesn’t necessarily mean you have to change your pot size but replacing the old soil will replenish nutrients available to feed your plants. Indicators your plant needs to be repotted include: Roots are growing through the bottom drainage holes Growth has slowed down in growing season or stopped Plant dries out quicker and needs watering more...
Fertiliser is an important aspect in growing and caring for your plants. Coming into spring, what do you need to know about fertilising to ensure your plants are able to thrive? Soil conditioners and fertilisers – What’s the difference? Fertiliser products are nutrient-based and add these nutrients to the soil, such as Dynamic Lifter. Soil conditioners, such as Eco-Seaweed and composts, aid in plants ability to absorb available nutrients from the soil. NPK – The importance of macro nutrients in soil Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) are the three major nutrients absorbed by plants. Nitrogen is responsible for healthy foliage, Phosphorous helps root and stem growth, and Potassium aids in the growth of fruits and flowers: the general...
The cold weather has us cranking up the heat at home, but how do our plants feel? While increasing the heating around our home keeps us humans happy, our plants may start to show signs of distress. Here’s some tips to keep your plants healthy through the colder months. Keep plants out of draughty areasThis includes draughts from heating systems and positions near doors or open windows. Plants are sensitive to extreme temperatures and changes, and can be affected by heating vents, fireplaces and radiators. Signs your plants aren’t happy because of heating or draughts include drooping or wilting and discoloured or browning leaves. Increase humidityCranking our heating systems reduces air moisture in our homes and as most indoor plants tend to...